Technology is pretty amazing. Buy a little gadget the size of a memory stick, plug it into your computer and you're somehow connected to the internet. Don't ask me how....just happy to be able to update you from our 10 acres.
It's Tuesday afternoon here and the teams are hard at work. Our work on the chicken coop is going quicker than we planned and our work on the water systems is going slower than planned...but relationships are developing between our team and the Ugandan workers that are working alongside us.
The girls are giving great leadership to the 52 kids. Each day they spend 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the afternoon with the kids teaching them lessons on Faith, Hope, & Love. They love the attention, the great teaching, and the fun games and crafts.
I warned the team ahead of time that when it rains in Uganda it pours.....but the other day we experienced the strongest rainstorm that any of us (including Jeff & Shannon) have ever seen. In fact, it hailed too. That's right...hail in Uganda. It blew one tree over on our property and a part of the chicken coop wall also. Strong winds, tons of rain, & hail...lots of fun!
This afternoon is full of more work & kids...dinner...and a team meeting. Pastor Michael, who gives overall leadership to our program, is coming today to sit and talk future vision with myself and a few others on the team who help give leadership from's always good to visit with him.
Pastor Geoffrey, who gives leadership to our church on the 10 acres, visited us briefly last night. It was humbling to listen to him describe his sleeping patterns: In bed by 10pm....up at 3am to pray until 5am...and then back in bed until 6am when he is up for the day. It's at those times that I think that they should be coming over to Canada to teach us stuff because we have so much to learn.
It's always humbling to visit Uganda.
I'll try to post a bit more consistently permitting.
Grace & Peace,
The 2010 Team
Wow! I thought the wind was bad here the other day! Thanks so much for the weather and work update. It's a relief to hear that everyone is so well and that relationships (and buildings)are growing. May the Lord bless you and keep you under His ever watchful Eye! Kathy